Compact Course: The Algebra of Tensors

This course will take place March 29 - April 9. This period includes the long easter weekend and consequently we will have 8 course days. The course will happen online and feature also some asynchronous material.

Organized by E. Duarte and T. Kahle.


Tensors are used in many areas of science such as physics, statistics, machine learning and signal processing. Understanding their algebraic foundations is important to navigate their increasing use in applications. The goal of this compact course is to give a formal introduction to the algebraic study of tensors and a glimpse to their wonderful properties.


To participate, please join the Mattermost Team “MathCore 2” (which most of MathCorians already have). Then join the public channel “compact-course-algebra-of-tensors”.

The first live meeting of the course will happen on

MONDAY MARCH 29 at 9:30 am.

The call data and all further schedules will be posted on Mattermost. You can expect that synchronous activities organised by Eliana and Thomas to happen between 9:30-12am, at least during the first four days.

If you have any trouble with this setup, feel free to e-mail us.

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  • Jan 21st 2025, Philip Dörr succesfully defended his PhD thesis on "Extreme value limit theorems in discrete mathematics"
